An Endless Passion for Music
Ensemble Mutatis is made up of ten enthusiastic musicians, all of whom have graduate degrees, and whom, besides playing in the ensemble, are well-established in leading positions in Danish and Swedish orchestras.
The ensemble took the name “Mutatis” from the latin ‘mutare,’ meaning ‘to change,’ because of their willingness to be open to change and exploration.
Comprised of a string quintet and a wind quintet, Ensemble Mutatis is able to present classical music’s broad wealth of chamber music, spanning from the mid-1700s all the way to tomorrow and beyond.
Promotors are invited to custom build a program with everything from solo instrumental pieces to large-scale works including octets, nonets, and decets and symphonic arrangements.
Read more about us under the “Musicians” tab in the menu.

thank you!
The ensemble is supported by
Det Obelske Familiefond, Beckettfonden, William Demant Fonden, Knud Højgaards fond, Augustinusfonden, AP Møllerfonden, Toyota fonden, Statens Kunstråd, Dronning Margrethe og Prins Henriks Fond, Bøhms Fond, Solistforeningen, DMF, Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommunes Kulturfond
and Fogs Fond.